Bluebottles Blog

10 days of blaugust

On the 10th day of blaugust (my true love gave to me etc) I wanted to reflect on my thoughts going into it, in my second post.

😅 Re: "It's exciting to post more often" - I've actually been more affected by trying not to check my views and analytics. I still feel very conflicted between wanting/not wanting people to see what I've written.

I try and focus on the rewarding part of this for me, which is having a writing/creative outlet and actually sticking to a habit of writing everyday. The benefit of doing this in public, instead of in my paper journal is it encourages me to craft my posts a bit more and try harder to explain my train of thought.

However, when I do feel good about what I've written there is a part of me that's disappointed when no-one sees it - I try and mitigate this by focusing on the reasons I'm doing for myself.

🫣 Re: "The struggle between being honest and "just writing" and worrying about what you put out there." - on the flipside, I've always been very shy on the internet! I think this comes from a post I made on facebook as a teenager which a bunch of people I didn't know well dogpiled on. It was ultimately quite silly, but did make me shy of posting. I've maintained that worry about making a mistake or inadvertently saying something someone could take the piss out of, and it's made me mostly a lurker on every internet platform. There's still a bit of anxiety in putting my feelings out there, and also in linking this blog to internet projects my friends know about, or vice versa. Ultimately, I'm getting more out of the freedom of blogging anonymously at the moment.

A new reflection I've also had on writing is how hard it is to capture and experience. I've always been very preoccupied by trying to "capture" sights and moments by documenting - I think because I don't have a very good visual memory (why I'm so preoccupied with aphasia! see the fifth link here). I'll try and write more about this another time, because I've been dwelling on it a lot lately.

In all, I'm having a lot of fun doing blaugust (despite my over-thinking above) and I feel like I'm getting a lot out of it. I hope if you're taking part you are too :)

#blaugust2024 #mood