Bluebottles Blog

🍂 Autumn

I'm still working on a blaugust reflections post - but I think one of the things I've learned from blaugust is it's a lot easier to do short posts about my current, rambling thoughts, just letting them all spill out, than it is to write longer form posts about things.

I've created an ideas page for stuff I would like to write about in more detail, although I think I need to focus on finding the time to do so - a common theme for all of my hobbies.

On Sunday I went to a music festival in my city and got totally drenched. I saw CMAT, who I absolutely love. She's an Irish artist who makes country music with perfect/fun/devastating lyrics and has an amazing voice.

Her show got paused midway because lightning was spotted in the area, but she came back out and did a couple more songs. I got so wet but she was fantastic. She's such a clown on stage - in the best way! So entertaining.


Always the cowgirl, never the cow I hate the way my life turned out

I hung around to see Baxter Dury and Yard Act (sick) and then went home early because I was feeling damp and fragile from my migraine at the weekend.

I found a conker on the walk home... Autumn truly arriving.

I've been very sad the past couple of days and I'm not totally sure why. I think it's about being unable to express myself in my relationship... But the thing about that is, I can't express it. I feel like I have all these feelings bottled up - enough to fill this blog and my personal journal and that's still not enough. If I don't have someone to talk to I feel like I'm going insane.

#mood #music