Bluebottles Blog

🍧 Day off day log

This is the first day off since I started my four day work week, and I've decided to do a day log for today's post.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-21 at 15

I woke up at my usual time, around 7, and felt like I frittered the morning away but I got several things done:

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Then I went out to do my chores - I picked up my prescription, chickened out of asking someone in a bike shop to pump up my tires (I'll wait for the pump I ordered to get delivered instead... although my tires are getting pretty flat :( )

I had lunch at a Vietnamese place because the cafe I wanted to go was shut on Wednesday's - but but I had a delicious banh mi and a ✨Vietnamese iced coffee✨

I went to the cinema to watch Thelma - it was a Silver Screening (which means OAPs get discounts) so there were a couple of grandparents there with their grandkids - very cute and apt for the film, which was about a Grandma that gets scammed and attempts to get her money back, and her relationship with her adult grandkid. Near the end of the film there was a shot of Thelma from the back - one of the kids said "She looks like you granny!". I enjoyed it a lot.

Now I'm back home, writing this blog post before going climbing on my flat tires 😅 It's been a pretty good day.

I feel a bit guilty going down to a 4-day work week just to do whatever I want. Sometimes when I tell people about it, they ask why and don't seem to understand why I would do it. But I'm trying to trust myself a bit more and just do things for me. Why feel guilty about it? It's not like me doing 20% less work matters the grand scheme of things at all :)
