Bluebottles Blog

🥑 Day off day log 2

I enjoyed writing a day log of my first day off and I think it's good to reflect on what I'm using these days for, so I'm going to do another one :)

I woke up around 7 as usual - I had a grocery delivery scheduled for 7.30-8.30 which arrived shortly after. The delivery man remarked on how quiet and peaceful it was - and it is at this time in the morning. It's nice.

I called the GP to arrange a smear test - I'd had a letter reminding me about it this week. I'm putting off writing for a monthly newsletter I put out with my friend - normally this comes quite easily but something is blocking me this month. Maybe I've used up all my words blogging?

I went out to do some shopping - I bought:



I then cycled up to visit my friend and her baby (and the dog) and give her the housewarming presents. We mooched around where she lives now - very cute, very suburban. I got lost cycling in and out of the housing estate - it's a bit of a maze, but a very nice one.

It was really lovely to see her and this was exactly what I wanted to use my day off for - getting to spend this time with friends.

I asked here how she felt about being on maternity leave, and she said she was very happy - that she feel like having a child has given her a purpose in life. I'm glad for her but conflicted as I feel like I'm in a similar position as she described herself being a few years ago.

I cycled back into the city to the cinema where I watched Didi with my boyfriend. At one point during the film, which is about an Asian-american boy coming of age in the late 2000s, the mum says to him "you are my dreams" while talking about what she'd given up for him and what she had thought her life would be like, and it reminded me of my friend talking about motherhood.

We went home to cook and watch another film, and I had fun but also felt melancholy - I guess because of all these thoughts about life and purpose and children.
