Bluebottles Blog

Late blaugust introduction

I'd already decided I was going to try posting every day since resurrecting this bear blog - that it's coincided with blaugust is a happy coincidence.

I noticed yesterday, looking at the recent posts feed that although I'd posted yesterday I'd missed the boat on doing an intro, so I thought I'd do that for today's post.

I'm Bluebottles - as it says on my homepage, this is a pseudonym I've used since my earliest day on the internet in the Sims 2 modding community (many 🌙s ago). These days I work as a software developer and enjoy dabbling in indie web stuff. I also like climbing, watching films and reading.

I've recently decided to blog more, and here are some thoughts I've had about it:

  1. It's exciting to post more often - I've already noticed myself checking the feeds after I post, looking at my analytics, feeling disappointed if I haven't had any toasts. For someone who doesn't use social media much, the addictiveness of the (tiny amount of) validation from strangers is a bit unnerving!

  2. The struggle between being honest and "just writing" and worrying about what you put out there. I've already extracted a film review from this blog for my newsletter because I didn't want anyone to read my more personal posts. How do I feel about more strangers seeing them?

I'm hoping to explore these things in blogging throughout August, and also try to keep this routine beyond the initial flush of excitement.
