Bluebottles Blog

🏞️ Levada walk

On our final day in Madeira, we did a levada walk. A levada is a type of irrigation channel specific to Madeira - they are all over the hills here.

I was really keen to try one on this holiday - because they're used to provide water for farming, the paths look lush and full of plant life, and I imagined the sound of the water would be relaxing.

And it was! We found a levada walk and followed it a few kilometres past people's gardens, houses, old people walking their dogs, with lots of little surprises on the way - path side shrines, stands with fruit you can leave money for, and beautiful flowers and views.


It definitely wasn't as spectacular as the mountain hikes we'd done, but the mountain views are still beautiful and it's nice to chill out. I was worried my brother wouldn't be very impressed, but he also said it was a nice change of pace.

We made a few others stops on the way back - a beachside restaurant in Porto da Cruz for food, a deserted viewpoint over the peninsula by Caniçal. Made it back without as much melting down as yesterday, but still too hot to be out 🌞

Today is our last day and we're chilling by the pool. I'm glad we came but relieved to be going home too. I think I'm just going to have to accept this part of myself.

#blaugust2024 #madeira