Bluebottles Blog

A little internet browsing

Things I've read recently:

📰 A little local news first - I've posted about far right rioting in the UK this week and I've been keeping an eye on The Bristol Cable's reporting of it in my city (luckily the most recent reports of fascists marching turned out to be rumours, and there was a huge counter protest of support instead, which is cheering). I really appreciate then as a local, grassroots source of news with nuanced reporting.

🏋️ This article on doing dead hangs. This is something I've been meaning to work into my routine as training for starting to try pull-ups, but learning that just dead hangs themselves have benefits has made me more determined to actually start doing it.

😵‍💫 I read JC probably's The plan to not have a plan And I really resonated with me - I feel like that's how I write. There's some comfort in knowing that, even with the differences with blogging here vs writing in my journal, I can still count on sitting down and being able to come up with something.

🗺️ I also enjoyed froggy's post on choosing yourself in every moment. It went well with this podcast episode I listened to on how to find out what you want - here's an article, but the episode is better if you can find it. It's a bit "millenial adulting" but the conclusion they came to a think is a good one:

Prioritise passionate pursuit of short term goals!

🌹🧠 I've read yet another article on aphantasia. I find the central questions so frustrating:

“It could be the case that we’re all actually experiencing the exact same apple, we’re just describing it differently,”

How would we ever know?? This article shows researchers attempts to tackle that. But ultimately I agree with this quote below:

For many people, it can be jarring to find out that they see the world differently than others. Shomstein still can’t believe that other people, with their eyes wide open, can imagine an apricot against the backdrop of the real world. “Wouldn’t [that] interfere with your everyday life?” she said. “I think they’re weird — in a nice way — and they think that I’m weird.”

💻 I accidentally commited some code to my github from my work github account (on work time) whoops! So I learned how to patch the commits to change the author from this stackoverflow post. Hopefully this has covered my tracks.

🐝 I related to this post from tala's blog - slowing down is something I've told myself I million times, and I like the way she's described the feeling of having all those interests (and the Virginia Woolfe quote I hadn't heard before).
