Bluebottles Blog

Random link generator ✨

I finished the static site I was working on in this post! (read that id you'd like a little background) I said I'd link it on this blog when I was done, so you can find it here:

🎲 Roll the dice!

I set this up because of a newsletter I run with one of my friends (who's subscribers consist wholly of our other friends). One of the things I've been doing this month is getting quite into indie web content and creating my own static sites. I wanted to find a fun way to present some of the sites I've been exploring, which wasn't just putting them in a long list or paragraph in the newsletter - and creating a little site for them seemed like the best way to do it 😄

I fully expect a lot of my friends not to click through or be that interested in this - most of them aren't very techy people, which is the other reason I want to share it here. But that's ok, I made it for me - I will probably write on the newsletter in future about the point of making personal sites, or at least link to a good article on it.

There's a section on the site above covering what I used to make it. I've kept it brief but I ended up modifying the link-peek javascript a bit more, as it wasn't originally intended to change dynamically - I added support for a placeholder image for sites that don't return a preview, and changed some of the logic to work more smoothly with the updating.

Anyway, please try it out! I hope you find an interesting link you might not have seen before :)

#coding #indie_web