Bluebottles Blog

I'm tired

I've just got home from a wedding, and I'm writing this blog post - because I said I would post everyday. I'm not very enthusiastic - it was a good wedding, but exhausting, and I want to veg out and do nothing! I didn't know many people there, since I was there as my boyfriend's plus one, and the cab driver that was booked to pick us up at midnight picked us up closer to one am.

The cab driver talked nonstop about a recent trend of teens crashing wedding venues in the area, and recent riots going on in the UK (following the horrendous knife attack in Southport earlier this week). It was clear she'd been following all developments in the news avidly, with an intensity that made me uneasy - every bit of information is being poured over, fertile ground for misinformation and conspiracy theories.

It was an interesting coda to a very fun evening. We did a lot of dancing, some impromptu juggling with Terry's Chocolate oranges, I had a heartful chat with a stranger about quitting smoking, the bride and groom's speeches about each other were truly beautiful.

I'm back at my home city and there's another far right protest here today with a counter-protest being organised. I'm glad to live somewhere where there's a strong opposition to this hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric, but the news is still disheartening. And further away from home, the horrific news from Gaza continues too.

Anyway, I didn't intend to write all this on this topic, but sometimes it can be hard to think about how such good and such bad can both be happening. You have to hold it in your head and embrace the dissonance or it will drive you to despair, and just resolve to enjoy what you can and do what you can.

#blaugust2024 #mood