Bluebottles Blog

Words fail me

I feel like the post I wrote the other day is so trite! I'm learning that writing blog posts for an audience (even if it's an invisible, silent one) is differently to scrawling in my journal - I feel the urge to sum up, think of something pithy to say. But also words are inadequate to sum up how you feel about, well, any experience lately.

There's another far right demo in Bristol this week, attacking an immigration lawyer's offices. This is on the same street as a play I was going to with my friends, which has been cancelled. This feels like a riposte to my previous post - sometimes you can't just try and get on with life.

I've considered counter protesting but I'm scared - there were reports of violence at the last protest. But how much scarier is the atmosphere we're creating for immigrants in this country?

I'm writing this on the train to a work meeting - it feels very hard to care about at the moment. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have something more cheerful to write about.
