Bluebottles Blog

Newsletter thoughts

I previously wrote about my friend asking me to create a newsletter with her here(creating-a-newsletter)

We created our first output this month and I have some thoughts on it.

I didn't realise how hard it would be to work with someone else! I thought it would be great because I struggle to motivate myself alone, but I end up feeling a lot of... micro resentment? Every time a decision is made without me or my co-author takes charge of something I want to do. This is also bringing up a lot of feelings of guilt and laziness.

After it was released, my friend shared it on her instagram and I immediately felt a feeling of panic. I hadn't realised how scared I was of actually putting my thoughts out there down in print. It made me think about how conflict avoidant I am in other areas (all areas) of my life and how agreeable I try to be all of the time.

#mood #projects