Bluebottles Blog

Noticing for the first time

I must have listened to this björk song (big time sensuality) a million times - she was a favourite of my dad's when I was younger, and I continued listening to her and this album when I developed my own music taste.

It takes courage, to enjoy it

But it took Anna Friedman's newsletter today to actually point out the lyric above and what it could mean to me - I enjoy it when things like this happen, especially as I get older - it feels like there's always more things about the world to reveal themselves, even things you've seen/heard a thousand times.

Another one of these was my friend Max pointing out the Arctic Monkey's lyric from the view from the afternoon (this song is such a banger - I feel like it's lame to say your favourite song from a band is the first song off their first album but it might be true for me)

When she's pressed the star after she's pressed unlock And there's verse and chapter sat in her inbox

is one of his favourites, referring to how you accessed voice mail on a Nokia (I think...) which I'd never parsed before. Maybe I'm just extremely inobservant 😄

I have a lot of draft reply posts on my dashboard, as I've been really interested in a lot of thoughts people are posting - but I find them a lot harder to finish than these stream of thought posts. Maybe I will save them for my weeknotes tomorrow. See you then 👋