Bluebottles Blog

🌧️ Rainy days

UPDATE: I liked paddle boarding, it went well and it was only a little rainy (to be expected in the British summer).

It turned out to be just the two of us in the class and our instructor, a nice Bristolian woman who'd been paddle-boarding for about 15 years.

Standing up was a bit daunting at first - my legs were so shaky - but I feel like I really got the hang of it by the end of the session. I fell over once - my friend rammed me by accident! But it was very funny and the sun came out immediately afterwards, so it was ok. I had a real sense of peace and calm floating on the water - you can get really close to water birds and it's very tranquil.

I bit of a lesson to focus on the positives, as I'm really glad I went now and kind of wish I hadn't documented my thoughts earlier. Oh well!

I'm going paddle boarding today and so far it's been raining all morning.

If you'll allow me a little rant, I'm not thrilled about the paddle boarding. A friend invited me because she had a voucher for her birthday, and I assumed she had a voucher for two but no, just one - so I paid £40. No worries, I'm sure it'll be fun. Then I clocked I couldn't wear my contact lenses in case I fall in - so I'll have to wear glasses I don't have a strap for. Oh well, I'll just try hard not to fall and lose them.

I told my mum about this and she's been sending me articles about people being rescued by the coast guard all week. Even though I've reassured her multiple times we're not going out to sea.

And now it's raining. But we're locked in now, so trying to maintain a positive attitude! It's an adventure, and I'd like to think of myself as the sort of person who likes to try new things. And at the end of day, she's my friend and I'm happy to get to do things with her :) We'll see how it is!
