Bluebottles Blog

🎞️ Sick of Myself

(No, this isn't a therapy vent - it's actually a film review).

I watched Sick of Myself this week (now available to stream for free on C4 in the UK) and was totally gripped to the horror show (with some very funny scenes!)


It's a film about a self-obsessed, insecure woman, Signe, in a co-dependent, competitive relationship with her equally self-obsessed boyfriend, leading her to do increasing deranged and harmful things to herself for attention and inflicting this on everyone around her.

Kristine Kujath Thorp gives a great performance as Signe, looking visibly uncomfortable whenever anyone else is talking or paying attention to anyone who's not her.

The film struck a chord in me I think because it taps into something I worry about about my own anxiety (ironically) - what if I'm just selfishly desperate for attention? Signe's fantasies of adulation and love from her peers are pitiful and horribly relatable in equal measure, even as her monstrous behaviour alienates her from the viewer and everyone in her life. I'd recommend this one if you can stomach it.
