Bluebottles Blog

💽 Vinyl player and a never-ending to do list

I nearly forgot to post today 😱 here, have a draft.

I looked at fixing my vinyl player the other day - it wouldn't turn on, so I swapped the power cable out for the one from my DVD player and voila, it turned on. I'm not saying "it worked" because on trying to play a record, I realised the needle no longer consistently makes contact with the record.

Looking it up, I think I need to readjust the needle arm but I'm not very confident how to do that - I need to research it.

This is another thing added to my endless to do list - tasks that aren't urgent but nonetheless impact my quality of life a bit and give me a vague sense of stress when I think about them. Mainly because I haven't addressed them because I'm not totally sure what to do - I don't know how to fix a vinyl player, I don't know what the best mattress or car is to buy.

The last category - purchasing things - has become a lot trickier since I started thinking about sustainability more. This started during the pandemic and was triggered a) by that and b) watching too much Mrs Hinch on instagram (she buys sooo much unnecessary stuff and cleaning products it genuinely put me into a bit of a doom spiral about the world).

To do (in order of increasing stress level):

[ ] - Fix vinyl player
[ ] - Get a new mattress
[ ] - Buy a car
[ ] - Buy a flat before I get completely priced out of the uk housing market

