Bluebottles Blog

🏝️ Week notes

I want to start doing week notes on Sunday. I'm actually doing this Saturday night - too eager once I get an idea as usual. (And now I'm finishing this off Sunday afternoon ☕)

What I did this week

🏝️ I spent the whole week on holiday in Madeira and tried to blog through it, with mixed success. Overall I'm glad I did. I wrote about going on holiday exploring Funchal and Monte suburbs and feeling stressed about something I felt I should be enjoying.

We did a long hike from Pico do Arieiro to Pico do Ruivo, swam in tidal pools and walked a levada before flying home.

🧗‍♀️ I did some bouldering the sunday I got home, a short chill session - still tired from the holiday and the hike.

🏠 I did some household tidying but I'd changed my sheets and cleaned before leaving, so not a lot to do.

🎞️ I didn't watch any films this week! I watched Happy go lucky before I went away however, and Roman Holiday when I got back, so I'd like to write reviews for these. My boyfriend is going to come over this evening so we can continue our Bond series watch - Octopussy next.

🧠 I did not consciously apply any CBT techniques, and I didn't look at any of module course. I hope that subconsciously I was using CBT to help me with my feelings.

How I felt

This week disrupted a lot of my routines, so it is a strange week to start taking week notes. I struggled on the holiday, and a lot of my blog posts are trying to express the fact I'm frustrated by feeling unhappy while doing things that should be fun. However, overall I had a good time and I'm glad we went.

Things I read

I started and finished Mrs Dalloway on holiday - I'm trying to organise my thoughts on it for book club, so I may write a post on it. Virginia Woolfe writes beautifully about people's inner thoughts - but then lost me on some of the preoccupations of empire, class, etc her characters take for granted. But this makes it a very interesting insight into the British psyche of the 1920's - at least the upper class set.

Although I was on holiday, I still read online, mainly while trying to sleep in the evenings. Here's what I've been reading:

On sharing photography from Another Lens I found this insight into why we share pictures really thought-provoking, as well as thinking about how we consume people's photos without context on social media. Also, a very cool photo with some context.

Becoming Selina from the half-light; really liked this post, which captures some of the magic of being inspired and enthralled by literary characters. Made me think about what characters have done that for me, and which characters I'd like to emulate.

Hillary Mantel reviews A Life Of One's Own; largely saving this to read later, and put the book on my reading list, but what I have read about this author essentially discovering mindfulness on her own is fascinating.

change takes time by vixiss; a short, sweet and welcome reminder.

bad art from permrando; I too love bad art and couldn't agree more with this write up of why it's important.

Concepts I learned

Not sure it's a concept, but I learned about some nice Madeiran drinks - Poncha - rum, fruit juice, honey and lemon, and Nikita beer, white wine, passion fruit juice and ice cream!

I'm very keen to try out spaced repetition learning as I've been frustrated with myself recently for skimming and not being able to taken on details of information and recall them. Setting up Anki is the roadblock at the moment.

Fun things I did / saw / wins

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Lizards! I love seeing lizards when I go to Spain or Portugal, and this trip there were loads.

All the cats and dogs I saw on holiday.

All the jokes I made with my brother, spending time with him.