Bluebottles Blog

🐉 Week notes 4

I started writing this Sunday's weeknotes in my parent's kitchen, as I was back home in Wales this week 🌧️



cymru am byth etc etc


Weird little guy at my parent's house

What I did this week

🏠 I enjoy spending time with my parents, and I'm trying to visit more often, but I often find my mum exhausting - she's constantly doing things, telling you about something or fussing. I have some of these traits too, which makes it more annoying to me - I've been working hard on being more patient.

🧗‍♀️ I did not climb at all this week, aside from about half an hour of lacklustre bouldering. Frustrating as I felt good climbing last week. Not a lot of other exercise either, except a pilates class I also struggled with.

🎞️ This week I only watched The Living Daylights (Timothy Dalton's bond debut, pretty good!) and a short spooky film called The Green Vinyl which I liked a lot. It's available on vimeo here.

🧠 I'm not longer doing CBT, I'm on a waiting list for in-person therapy on the NHS (which could take over a year). I've been trying to worry less and thinking about how to communicate my needs to people in my life better (I feel like I'm writing the same things week after week, I must sound like a broken record).

👩‍💻 I finished the Book Club wrapped page for my book club and I'm excited to show it to them (although I think they won't be as excited about it as me). I've also created a massive fuck up on another repository by rebasing to try and get rid of some old commits 😣 It's a secret santa app for my workplace, written in python and aside from the git issues I've been making progress.

Things I read

📚 I finished reading The Hopkins Conundrum by Simon Edge, and I've continued listening to Naomi Klein's Doppleganger, which I'm having mixed feelings about. I'm going to start Lessons in Chemistry while I wait for my book club book to arrive.

what if it all means nothing to everyone else? I enjoyed these thoughts on writing and human connection.

Konfetti Explorations I discovered Marisabel's website and... someone else that codes in java! I code in Java for work as my main language, and I haven't really seen many other people who use in on the indie web scene so that's really cool. It's also just a really nice personal site for all you people who don't care about Java.

in praise of route learning by noodle I've been trying to memorise things recently, so this post on why rote learning is useful was interesting.

Concepts I learned

Haint Blue

Haint blue is a collection of pale shades of blue-green that are traditionally used to paint porch ceilings in the Southern United States. The tradition originated with the Gullah in Georgia and South Carolina.

Messanie Wilkins

Annie "Mesannie" Wilkins (1891–1980) was a 63-year-old farmer who made national headlines by traveling over 5,000 miles across the United States from Maine to California with a retired race horse named Tarzan, a packhorse named Rex and a dog named Depeche Toi (French for "Hurry Up").

Fun things I did / saw / wins

I decided not to worry about things too much and it worked, for this week.

My mum had sorted out a pile of photographs I'd taken on disposable cameras as a teen - they're all of buildings from aholiday I took to Italy, and I'm going to try and make a collage out of them.

Visiting my parents this weekend has been nice, especially spending a day with my dad.

I've started writing up my list of maddest Bond moments with Max and it's been fun.
