Bluebottles Blog

🌱 What do you cultivate?

When I started my personal site, I had an idea of a cultivation page. This would track things I'd like to work on in my life, information about them, and I could update it with progress.

Screenshot 2024-08-11 104146 Yes, I know these descriptions are pretty pretentious. I didn't think about anyone else reading this when I set it up, but even I thought it was full of itself as I was writing it. But it's poetry! It's hard not to be pretentious!

The idea was if I created an aesthetically pleasing space where I'd made an effort to write down and think about why I wanted to work on something, I'd be more likely to keep it up.

The actual page above has not been very successful - I haven't updated it or made progress on those goals - but I think that's just because it needs a bit more thought. I have a lot of ideas for things I'd like to cultivate - but that's the trouble! You can only have so many hobbies. You need to prioritise, decide what's important to you, and focus on it. Unfortunately that's never been my strong suit.

But I'm working on it. The progress section is based on the SMART goals system I use with my line management group at work. An exercise I often as them to do is fill out a smart goals worksheet for each of their goals - often the process of doing this makes it clearer what they should be pursuing. I think I'm going to apply this to myself, and I'll slowly get closer to figuring out what's important to me.

What would you put on your cultivation page?

#blaugust2024 #projects